Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brief Hiatus

Due to several reasons (jury duty, tropical storm, surgery, training for the Beijing Olympics, car troubles, my night shift as a grave digger at a cemetery, loitering at pet stores, posing nude for art classes, and heavily anticipating the debut of the new Beverly Hills 90210 series) I haven't been contributing as often as I would like to this blog. As soon as things calm down I will be back writing articles, but in the meantime feel free to browse my archives, and if need you can contact me at Keep on Trucking Homeys!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back From The Dead

It appears NHL fans will get the competitive Stanley Cup Finals they expected as the Penguins returned to form on Wednesday night with a 3-2 victory over the Red Wings. After miserable performances that saw the Pens go scoreless in the first two games of the series, they were able to put everything together in front of the hometown crowd.

With the exception of several moments in the first period, the Penguins played at a tremendous pace throughout the game, especially early in the third period. They finally got the monkey off their back when Sydney Crosby scored the team’s first goal of the series at 17:25 of the first. Crosby was at it again early in the second, scoring a power play goal.

The game was never out of hand, as the Red Wings kept it close. Johan Franzen padded his playoff leading goal total with a power play marker close to the end of the second period. A third period goal by Penguins forward Adam Hall made it 3-1 for the Pens, but the Wings once again narrowed the gap with a goal six minutes later by Mikael Samuelsson.

Marc-Andre Fleury kept the Penguins in the game by making highlight reel saves throughout the game. He ended the game with 32 saves.

Most importantly for the Penguins, they’re right back in the series, and their superstars appear to have finally awaken. Marian Hossa assisted on both of Crosby’s goals, while Evgeni Malkin and Sergei Gonchar both had spirited performances with a combined seven shots on net. Brooks Orpik chipped in by keeping the fans out of their seats with bone crushing body checks at key points of the game.

Although the Penguins won the game there’s still plenty of work to do as they were out-shot 34 to 24. At times throughout the game they had trouble getting the puck out of their end, and they had a difficult time containing Johan Franzen, who had six shots on net.

Scoring the first goal of the game in these playoffs has been huge for the Pens. They’re now 11-0 when they score first, along with a perfect 9-0 record on home ice. Pittsburgh will have a chance to even up the series on Saturday night, before the series shifts back to Detroit for game five.
-Joe Osborne

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

UFC 84: Ill Will Preview

The UFC returns to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas this Saturday night with UFC 84: Ill Will. The event features three big time fights, including one of the most anticipated fights in the history of the lightweight division, as well as Tito Ortiz’s last fight in the UFC. The event also features an under card with lots of recognizable faces. Here’s everything you need to know about UFC 84.

Thiago Silva (11-0) vs. Antonio Mendes (14-2): For those who don’t know who Thiago Silva is, you should take notice because this guy is on a serious roll. His resume includes an undefeated record and first round knockouts of James Irvin and Houston Alexander. Ten of his eleven victories have actually come by way of some type of knockout. His opponent is a fellow Brazilian with zero octagon experience. His experience includes fights for various promotions all around the world, and he was won his 12 fights in a variety of ways.
Verdict: Silva by TKO in the First Round. The good times will continue to roll for Silva. He’s only had one fight go to a decision, and Saturday night will be no different as he continues to climb the light heavyweight ladder.

Tito Ortiz (16-5-1) vs. Lyoto Machida (12-0): Ortiz has more fights in the UFC than any other fighter. He has also ran his mouth more than any other fighter, and that’s probably the reason why this will be his final fight inside the octagon. With Ortiz on the way out, the UFC will look to guys like Machida to be the future of the light heavyweight division. Ortiz’s abilities are well known. He’s a great wrestler, and he’s relentless if he gets on top of his opponent. His conditioning was questioned following his last fight with Rashad Evans, but he claims to be in the best possible shape for this fight. Machida is an unknown among casual MMA fans, but his skills are very impressive. He’s one of the only top tier mixed martial artist to use karate as his primary weapon, but he has been accused of being a boring fight with three of his four UFC fights going to a decision.
Verdict: Ortiz by unanimous decision. With all he’s done in this sport and in the UFC, it’s hard to imagine Tito not putting everything he has into this fight. Expect Tito’s strength and superb wrestling skills to make the difference.

Wanderlei Silva (31-8-1) vs. Keith Jardine (13-4-1): So Jardine beat Chuck Liddell, and Liddell beat Silva, so Jardine should be able to beat Silva, right? Not necessarily. Liddell and Silva are different types of fighters, and Jardine should find that out on Saturday night. Silva is as ferocious as they get, while Jardine is someone of a counter striker who can slowly chop an opponent down with brutal leg kicks. Jardine is trying to cement his legacy in MMA, and he should be next in line for a title shot should he get by Silva. Silva on the other hand is on the worst losing streak of his career with three straight loses, but still remains a fan favorite due to putting on incredibly courageous performances.
Verdict: Silva by TKO in the Second Round. Jardine has never fought someone as vicious as Silva, and he’ll have to wait to get a title shot. A win opens up a lot of opportunities for Silva.

BJ Penn (12-4-1) vs. Sean Sherk (35-2-1): If you want a fight with some bad blood or ‘Ill Will’, this fight has it. Penn and Sherk really dislike each other. Penn hates Sherk because he was accused and tested positive for steroids, and Sherk hates Penn for going over board with cheap shots about his suspected steroid use. All drama aside, these are two of the best fighters in the UFC, not just this division. Before his suspension Sherk was in many people’s pound for pound top ten rankings, while Penn is finally doing a great job at living up to his expectations. Sherk is a dynamic wrestler with world class conditioning. His only loses come to Georges St. Pierre, and Matt Hughes at 170 pounds. The one knock one Sherk is that he doesn’t necessarily finish a whole lot of fights, and at times he can be boring. Penn has been reborn since re-entering the 155 pound division. His biggest flaw in the past was cardio. His body couldn’t keep up with what he was capable of doing, however things are different for him now as he’s changed his whole outlook to fighting. He was extremely dominant in his last two fights, but things could be different against the strength of the ‘muscle shark’. This fight could easily go either way. Expect lots of rolling around, as well as exciting stand up exchanges.
Verdict: Penn by third round submission. In the past Sherk has relied too heavily on take downs, and it may get him in trouble with Penn. Expect Penn to exploit Sherk into gaining better position, ultimately leading to a submission win.

The card also features several intriguing fights involving Rameau Sokoudjou AKA the African Assassin, Rich Clementi, as well as Jon ‘The War Machine’ Koppenhaver who was part of a fight of the year candidate at the Ultimate Fighter Finale in December.

UFC 84 kicks off what should be a big couple of weeks for Mixed Martial Arts. The following week is the debut of Elite XC ‘Primetime’ on CBS, and the weekend after that is UFC 85: Bedlam from London. It should be a great night of fights, and a great night for sports as game one of the Stanley Cup Finals will also be on. Enjoy the event, and feel free to let me know who you think will win and how.

Me and the Prime Minister

So here's the lowdown. I was at the Canada vs. Finland World Hockey Championship Game in Halifax last week, and who do I notice sitting two sections over. Non other than Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald. A friend and I (who happened to have more than a few beers into us) decided to go over to greet our nation's leader. The original plan was to be a bit of a smart ass and say something stupid, but when I entered his presence I chickened out. I did however give him a 'cool guy' handshake, which seemed to surprise him. He then gazed deep into my soul with his wolf like blue eyes and asked me where I was from. Meeting famous people is hilarious, mainly because it's unexpected. It was a cool experience, but I hope to meet more famous people in the near future or possibly by the end of the month.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NHL Fan to Host Stanley Cup Finals Gathering

The NHL Finals begin Saturday and fans everywhere will be gathering in sports bars, and in rec rooms to cheer on their favorite teams. Things will be no different in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where NHL fan Todd Blanchard has invited several friends over to watch game one. “It’s a gathering, not a party”, said Blanchard, who rents a one bedroom basement apartment. “If you go around claiming it’s a party, everyone in the city will show up, but if you label it as a gathering, people will assume it’s an invite only type of thing.”

Blanchard’s last sports themed gathering was a self proclaimed disaster. “The last time I had friends over to watch sports was game three of the 2005 World Series between the White Sox and Astros. What a debacle it turned out to be when my friend Carl surprised everyone by bringing his girlfriend. She just sat there and said nothing all night, and worst of all she wasn’t even invited.” Blanchard says it’s still up in the air as to whether or not Carl will be invited this time around. “I’m still undecided. For all I know he’ll end up showing up with a car full of people, and there won’t be enough chairs.”

To try to avert word of the get-together, Blanchard has formed a top secret e-mail invite list, as well as a facebook group where only invited people can join. “So far, it’s me, my dad, and my friends Danny and Peter. My place only has room for around six people, and I want everyone to be more than comfortable.”

Blanchard has also created a short list of strict rules his invitees must follow if they hope to watch the game in his recently renovated apartment. “If you’re gonna bring beer, make sure it’s cans. Bottles are a pain in the ass to clean up. I guess cans are just easier to get rid of.” Watching the game at Blanchard’s won’t be free however, as he says they’ll be a small charge for attending the gathering. “I still haven’t decided how much I’ll charge. I guess I’ll figure out how much my cable bill is, and do the math depending on how many people show. Plus it cost money to heat the water if people are gonna be washing their hands. I’m not made of money.”

The toughest part of the planning process so far for Blanchard has been deciding between classic Lays BBQ chips or the other type of BBQ chips Lays makes. At present time, no one has responded to Blanchard’s invite.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Did Ryan Braun Get Ripped Off?

On May 15th the Milwaukee Brewers signed third baseman Ryan Braun to a historic 8 year, $45 million dollar contract. The deal is the largest in the history of the team, and a pretty significant amount for a player with only one year of big league experience. $45 million dollars is nothing to sneeze at, but compared to the other top third basemen in baseball, the contract doesn’t make sense. His numbers are in line with the other top third basemen in the league, so why isn’t his contract?

To put Braun’s contract into perspective, here are a combination of his numbers from this season and last season compared to the other top dogs at his position. (Stats up to date as of 5/18/08)

Ryan Braun: .313 batting average, 45 home runs, 128 RBI’s, 197 hits, 16 stolen bases.
Aramis Ramirez: .295 batting average, 32 home runs, 128 RBI’s, 197 hits, 1 stolen bases.
Chipper Jones: .374 batting average, 40 home runs, 134 RBI’s, 236 hits, 5 stolen bases.
David Wright: .302 batting average, 38 home runs, 141 RBI’s, 239 hits, 40 stolen bases.
Miguel Cabrera: .295 batting average, 41 home runs, 143 RBI’s, 230 hits, 3 stolen bases.
Alex Rodriguez: .300 batting average, 58 home runs, 167 RBI’s, 209 hits, 25 stolen bases.

Looking at these numbers from this and last season, it’s obvious that Braun is among the top players at his position. Now let’s see how their contracts measure up.

Ryan Braun: $45 million over 8 years for an average of 5.625 million a season.
Aramis Ramirez: $42 million over 4 years for an average of 10.5 million a season.
Chipper Jones: $37 million over 3 seasons for an average of 12.33 million a season.
David Wright: $55 million over 6 seasons for an average of 9.17 million a season.
Miguel Cabrera: $152 million over 8 years for an average of 19 million a season.
Alex Rodriguez: $252 million over 10 years for an average of 25.2 million a season.

First let me say that A-Rod and Miguel Cabrera are getting paid a foolish amount of money. Good for them I guess. Comparing Braun’s new contract to that of the other players, it’s obvious that he’s being largely underpaid. David Wright is the closest player to Braun on this list in terms of pay scale and he’ll average $3.6 million dollars a season more. How does that make sense? There are two sides to the argument though. Braun is now guaranteed $45 million dollars, which is something most of us can only dream about. His career could completely fall off, he could become extremely injury prone, and be totally forgotten about and he’s still guaranteed $45 million dollars. But, he could have decided to wait it out for another season or two, continue playing the way he is, and probably receive a contract for almost double the amount of money than the one he just signed.

Most likely Braun’s numbers will stay consistent, and they may even get better. He’s established himself as the teams best player, and one of the best third basemen in the league, but a few years from know we may be saying he’s the most underpaid player in the league.
~Joe Osborne

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fantasy Baseball: All-Under the Radar Team

We’re six weeks deep into the baseball season and lots of players are coming out of no where to put up some big stats. If you’re in an active league, the majority of these players are probably long gone, but if not, sweep them up while you still can. Keep in mind that the season is still young, but smart pick-ups could be the key to winning or losing in your league. The following players are guys who probably went near the end of your draft, or weren’t drafted at all.

Catcher: Ryan Doumit (Pirates) - Doumit was expected to share time behind the plate this season, but caught fire and has been the everyday starter for most of the season. He has a .350 batting average, with five homers, 51 total bases, and 15 RBI’s. Doumit was placed on the DL today, so keep an eye out and snag him up when he returns.

First Base: Conor Jackson (Diamondbacks) - Co Jack has been a key contributor for the league leading D-Backs. The 25 year old has an impressive .331 batting average, with five homers, 71 total bases, 31 RBI’s, and three stolen bases. Jackson’s big time production should continue throughout the season, and he’ll be a fantasy commodity for years to come.

Second Base: Mark DeRosa (Cubs) – DeRosa is a great option for any fantasy team due to his eligibility at 2B, 3B, and OF. He also has a .280 batting average with 23 runs, and 22 RBI’s. Hitting sixth in the Cubs lineup with give him plenty of opportunities to drive in runs.

Shortstop: Ryan Theriot (Cubs) - Theriot is in a prime position to have a big year. He hits second in the high scoring Cubs potent lineup. He currently leads the Cubs with a .333 bating average, and has chipped in with 26 runs and eight stolen bases. Hitting behind Soriano, and in front of Lee and Ramirez definitely has its advantages.

Third Base: Mark Reynolds (Diamondbacks) - Reynolds has cooled down a little bit since his hot start, and doesn’t hit for average, but his steady production can’t be ignored. He’s second among third basemen with 27 runs, and also has seven home runs, and 28 RBI’s.

Outfield: Nate McLouth (Pirates) – Big Nate has shown no signs of slowing down with a very impressive 94 total bases, 10 home runs, 31 RBI’s, and 32 runs. McLouth wasn’t even expected to be a full time player, but has proved that he’s here to stay, as the second most productive outfielder so far this season.

Outfield: Josh Hamilton (Rangers) – Think the Reds are kicking themselves for trading Hamilton? He currently leads the majors in RBI’s, and is the leagues third best offensive outfielder thus far. Playing in the hitter friendly Rangers Ballpark in Arlington will only help pad his numbers. Expect big things from Hamilton who has a .301 batting average, eight home runs, 90 total bases, and 43 RBI’s.

Outfield: Carlos Quentin (White Sox) – The 25 year old outfielder has erupted so far this season with some big time numbers. Quentin has come out of no where with nine big flies, 29 RBI’s and 26 runs. He’s among the top ten outfielders this season, and it appears he’ll have lots of chances to continue his break out season.

Starting Pitcher: Edinson Volquez (Reds) – Who? This guy has been a hitter’s worst nightmare, that's who. He leads the league is strikeouts with 57, has a 6-1 record, and a miniscule 1.12 ERA in 48.1 innings pitched.

Relief Pitcher: George Sherrill (Orioles) – Sherrill is a big reason why the O’s have started the season with a surprising 20-19 record. He’s second in the league with 14 saves, has one win, and 15 strikeouts in 18 innings pitched.

Just because you have the best team in your league doesn’t mean you shouldn’t always be looking to improve your lineup. It’s always good to have a plan B incase your superstars get injured or fall into a slump.

As the season goes on pay close attention to how a player has done over the last two weeks or over the last month. This may give you a better idea as to what type of production you’ll get out of that player.

Good luck with your rosters, and remember to check back all season long for updates.
~Joe Osborne

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

E:60 Profile on Kimbo Slice

If you don't know who Kimbo Slice is, you should. Here's his story.


Analyzing The UFC's Light Heavyweight Division

While most consider the UFC’s lightweight division as the deepest division in the organization, the light heavyweight division easily has the most star power, and blockbuster fight possibilities. The last major fight to take place in the division was over four months ago when Chuck Liddell defeated Wanderlei Silva in a three round war. Things are about to get rolling again with a handful of big fights scheduled to take place during the next few events. Here’s a breakdown of the top fighters in the division, along with some possible fight scenarios for the future.

Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson: Rampage has been at the top of the light heavyweight division for almost a year now. After his stunning knockout win over then champ Chuck Liddell, he went on to beat Dan Henderson by unanimous decision. The fight against Henderson was way back in September, and he hasn’t fought since largely due to a hand injury, and because of his role as a coach on The Ultimate Fighter reality show. Jackson will fight Forrest Griffin at UFC 86 in July. If he can get past Griffin, there will be no shortage of challengers for the charismatic champion. Rampage has loses to avenge to both Wanderlei Silva, and Mauricio ‘Shogun’ Rua. However, Chuck Liddell will probably get another crack at the title, assuming he wins his next fight. A re-match with Liddell has the possibility to be one of the biggest fights ever, and it’s highly probable that the UFC will make it happen.

Forrest Griffin: Griffin earned the coveted number one contenders spot by tapping out the man who many believed was the best fighter in the world, Shogun. Forrest is largely popular with fans due to his bizarre personality and all or nothing fighting style, but will enter his match with Rampage as an underdog. Whether he gets by Rampage or not, we’ll probably see Griffin take on Keith Jardine sometime in the near future. With a loss, he’ll probably be matched up with the likes of Rashad Evans or possibly even the 11-0 Thiago Silva.

Chuck Liddell: The writing is clearly on the wall that with a victory in his next match, the Iceman will most likely earn another shot at the title. It appeared as if a number one contender’s bout was to take place between Liddell and Shogun in June, until both went down with injuries. It’s possible that the fight will be re-scheduled for September, as MMA fans were foaming at the mouth to see this epic match up. Other fight possibilities for Liddell include a rematch with Keith Jardine, who beat Liddell in a lackluster fight in the fall, and I’m sure no one would complain to see another fight with Wanderlei Silva. If Liddell manages to get another shot at Rampage, and is defeated, expect him to move up a weight class, or possibly even retire. Liddell’s next fight could dictate the rest of his career.

Keith Jardine: The Dean of Mean is perhaps the most overlooked fighter in the division. He holds wins over Griffin and Liddell. If he can manage to get by Wanderlei Silva at UFC 84, it’ll be hard to argue that he doesn’t deserve a title shot. With a loss, he’ll be right back in the middle of the pack.

Wanderlei Silva: The ‘Axe Murderer’ is easily one of the best strikers in MMA, as well as one of the most exciting fighters. Silva is currently riding a three fight loss streak, but could be right back in the mix with a victory over Keith Jardine. In his UFC debut in December, Silva looked relatively small compared to Chuck Liddell. The size comparison has many speculating of a possible drop to the middleweight division. With a loss to Jardine, dropping a weight class may be a good idea, but with a win he’ll put himself in contention for a title shot. He does have two knockout wins over Rampage, so another fight between the two would be intriguing. A drop to middleweight could set up a fight with current champ Anderson Silva. As long as he keeps fighting how he does, the fight possibilities are endless.

Mauricio ‘Shogun’ Rua: Shogun was regarded as the top light heavyweight in the world when he entered the UFC, but after a loss to Forrest Griffin and some unfortunate injuries, he’s been inactive and unable to prove his top notch abilities. Shogun was to face Chuck Liddell before rupturing his ACL. Word has it that he’ll be ready to fight again in September, and with a win a title shot will not be out of the question. The 26 year old holds a devastating knockout win over Rampage Jackson, and 13 of his 16 wins were by knockout.

Tito Ortiz: Tito’s UFC career is all but over; as he’s announced many times that he’ll leave the promotion following his fight later this month against Lyoto Machida. Ortiz has been beefing with the UFC brass because he wants more money. It appears as if he’ll end up signing with another promotion where he won’t have a chance to fight top tier talent anymore, he probably won’t receive as much exposure, he’ll be looked at as selfish, but he’ll get more money. It would be nice to see Tito stick around, as there’s still plenty of interesting fights left for him in the UFC, but with his best years behind him, he’s not worth as much as he thinks he is.

Lyoto Machida: Machida is largely unknown by casual MMA fans, but he’ll step into the spotlight when he fights Tito Ortiz at UFC 83. Some consider Machida to be a boring fighter, but he holds notable wins over B.J. Penn, Rich Franklin, and Sokoudjou. With a win over Ortiz, the 12-0 fighter will be somewhere close to the front of the line for a title shot.

Rashad Evans: ‘Sugar’ Rashad is 16-0-1, but is yet to take down any major contenders. He was supposed to fight Chuck Liddell, but Liddell got injured, so he’ll get the middle of the pack James Irvin instead. Evans is one the smaller side of 205, so a drop to middleweight could be in his future. As long as he continues to win, he’ll stay where he’s at. Evans is a top tier talent, but won’t be considered for a title shot until he beats some stiffer competition.

So who else matters in this weight class? Thiago Silva, Sokoudjou, Matt Hamill, and James Irvin are all fighters who could rise in the rankings if they can get on a roll. As for fan favorite Houston Alexander, he’ll probably get one more shot in the UFC, but it’s highly unlikely that he’ll get too far. There are also rumors that Rich Franklin would consider moving up to this weight class, which would set up some very appealing fights. Dan Henderson is also another fighter who could play a major role in the division, but it appears that he'll remain at middleweight.

The UFC has done an excellent job in bringing in all the top light heavyweights in the world. No other division has so many fighters who are in the prime of their career. Over the next three events the landscape of the weight class will change completely, as they’ll be new contenders and possibly even a new champion. The one thing that’s for sure with this division is that the amount of thrilling matches is limitless.
~Joe Osborne

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Got a Few Minutes For a Good Laugh?

The Best of Mike Tyson

Why doesn't this guy have his own reality show yet?

Got a few more minutes for another laugh? Here's something hilarious from last week's Saturday Night Live that's completely unrelated to sports.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eastern Conference Finals Preview

The Eastern Conference final features a favorite in the Pittsburgh Penguins, along with a dark horse in the sixth ranked Philadelphia Flyers. This match up is extremely tough to call and could easily go seven games. We all know that regular season results don’t translate into similar results in the playoffs, so I’ll avoid any regular season comparisons. Let’s take a look at how the teams have done thus far throughout the playoffs and how they match up.

Dubbed the ‘Battle of Pensylvania’, this series features an intense rivalry between inter state teams, each of whom is stacked with big time players and colorful personalities. Lots of fans are focusing on the toughness of the Flyers, and how they will put the heat on the Pens, but Pittsburgh are no slouches when it comes to the rough stuff, so one thing we can expect is a very physical series. The Flyers had success in their first round series against the Capitals due to paying extra attention to Alexander Ovechkin. Unfortunately for the Flyers, trying to focus on just one Penguin won’t work as Pittsburgh has way too much fire power. Putting extra effort into stopping Crosby or Malkin will just open up the ice for the other Penguins superstars.

For all the talk of the high scoring, wheeling and dealing Pens, the Flyers are actually averaging more goals a game. Line one to four for the Flyers is solid, and their offense is somewhat of a poor man’s Penguins offense (which isn’t a bad thing at all). Marc-Andre Fleury has been extremely sharp throughout the first two rounds, only allowing 1.89 goals per game. The Flyers best shot will be to put lots of shots on net, and try to agitate the Pens into taking stupid penalties.

As for the Penguins superstars, they’re all pretty much on fire. Sydney Crosby is playing how a captain should in the playoffs, and unfortunately for the Flyers he has more points against them than any other team. Marian Hossa has silenced his critics with five goals and five assists including an overtime winner. Evgeni Malkin has been a serious threat an incredible playmaker, with 14 points, and 46 shots in nine games. Throw Petr Sykora and offensive defensemen Sergei Gonchar into the mix, and yes, the Penguins offense is very scary.

If someone said that Flyers forward R.J. Umberger would lead the playoffs in goals after two rounds, they’d either be deported or possibly even executed. Well, maybe not they’d just be laughed at, but Umberger has been tearing it up with his playoff leading nine goals. The rest of the Flyers usual suspects are chipping in too, as Daniel Brier, Mike Richards and Vaclav Prospal all have 11 points or more.

Both teams hope their goaltenders will be able to shut the door, and both have been doing a great job so far. Marc-Andre Fleury has been the playoffs best goaltender with a save percentage of .938, and two shut outs. Martin Biron has surprised many by leading the Flyers this far. He’s been solid, but out of the four remaining goaltenders in the playoffs he’s been the worst, as he’s the only one with a goals against average over two (2.78), and the lowest save percentage (.914).

Verdict: Penguins is six. The Flyers are a good team, and will challenge the Pens better than the Senators and Rangers, but like those teams, they will struggle to deal with the Pens high scoring attack. Expect a good, hard hitting series as the battle of Pennsylvania grows more and more intense with each game.

And oh yeah, Detroit in seven. Enjoy the Conference Finals!
-Joe Osborne

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Interview With LaDainian Tomlinson

After a rough end to his season last year, LT seems pumped up and focused going into the 2008-09 NFL season.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

49 Games in 18 Nights: Observations of the NBA Playoffs

Here’s what I’m thinking so far through this years playoffs:

-Why do some second round series begin before some first round series end? While Detroit vs. Orlando and New Orleans vs. San Antonio kicked off their second round series on Saturday, the Celtics and Hawks still had a game to finish in their first round series on Sunday. Confusing isn’t it? No other major professional sports does this, and for good reason. The NBA playoff format has some serious issues, including the fact that teams aren’t re-seeded in each round. It wasn’t a problem this season because all the higher seeds won, but the NBA should seriously consider making a few fan friendly changes.

-The Hornets are for real. First they made the Mavs look like an NBADL team, now they’ve got off to a 2-0 lead over the Spurs. They’ve pretty much been unstoppable, but will things be different when the series shifts to San Antonio? Probably not. The Spurs have never come back from a 0-2 deficit in the history of their franchise. The Hornets are off the charts, and with a nucleus of Chris Paul, Davis West, and Tyson Chandler, they should be a top contender for a long time.

-Is it just me, or are the Lakers kinda flying under the radar? They’re 5-0 thus far, and have been playing phenomenal. They should continue playing great, but things won’t be so easy against the Jazz. The Lakers are still the favorite to win the conference, but the road through the Western Conference is anything but easy.

-What’s up with the Celtics? There’s no way the Hawks should have taken them to the seventh game. According to the Celts, they’re not used to playing with each other in the playoffs, which I think is a pretty lousy excuse. They had the whole regular season to prepare for the playoffs, and shouldn’t make pathetic excuses when they get out played by a lesser team. The Hornets don’t have experience playing with each other in the playoffs either and look what they’re doing. Either way, it should be a great series against the Cavs.

-How can a team that has Allen Iverson, Carmelo Anthony, Marcus Camby, Kenyon Martin, J.R. Smith, and George Karl as its coach get swept in the first round of the playoffs? Oh yeah, they completely forgot how to play defense. The Nuggets need a new system.

-Has the window officially closed on the Phoenix Suns? I’d say so. The Suns were very hard to watch in the first round, and were even annoying to watch at times. They blew countless opportunities against the Spurs and their big players didn’t step up when needed. Was Grant Hill playing during the series? He was practically invisible. The Suns are a team that basketball fans root for because of their exciting style of play, and likeable personalities. It’s simply a case of a good team that couldn’t become a great team. The front office got too fancy with roster moves over the years and it came back to haunt them. Expect some changes in Phoenix.

-If the Toronto Raptors ever hope to compete, they’re gonna have to add another scorer. Having Anthony Parker and Carlos Delfino as your primary wing men just won’t get it done. The team took a serious step back this season, and Bryan Colangelo will have to earn his money this off-season by improving their average roster. Everyone knows either T.J. Ford or Jose Calderon will be trade bait, but beyond that the Raptors don’t have much to offer. Their best bet is to throw some money at a free agent. Luring a big name to Toronto may not be easy, so Colangelo will have to work his magic.

(By the way, here’s a list of this summers big name restricted and unrestricted free agents: Josh Smith, Emeka Okafor, Ben Gordon, J.R. Smith, Allen Iverson, Baron Davis, Jermaine O’Neal, Elton Brand, Corey Maggette, Ricky Davis, Shawn Marion, Stephon Marbury, Andre Iguodala, Ron Artest, Jose Calderon, Gilbert Arenas, and Antawn Jamison. Obviously not all of these players will change uniforms, but if could make for a very interesting summer.)

So the second round is in full swing, and here’s what I expect to happen: Lakers in six, Hornets in six, Pistons in five, and the Celtics in seven. Hopefully round two will have a little bit more fireworks than round one.

Enjoy the rest of round two,
~Joe Osborne

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Blue Jays Need Barry Bonds

As soon as the Toronto Blue Jays released Frank Thomas rumors began to fly that they would be interested in bringing in the most controversial player in the history of the game, Barry Bonds. Talk of Bonds in a Jays uniform has silenced over the past few days, but if the Jays hope to contend this season they should seriously consider bringing in baseball’s home run king.

Here’s why they need his bat. Adam Lind was called up from the minors to get Thomas’s at-bats. Lind was a highly coveted prospect who hasn’t lived up to the hype. In 89 games last year Lind hit .238 with a measly .278 on base percentage. Since being called up he’s hitless with one walk. That’s not gonna cut it.

Yes, it’s fair to say that Bonds is old. However, while playing in 126 games last season he did manage to hit .276, with 26 homers and a very impressive on-base percentage of .444. With Bonds as their DH, he’d be able to get on base almost half the time, and give them the opportunity to score more runs, which they desperately need. The Jays rank 23rd in the league in runs scored, which is also last overall in their division. They’re also 25th overall in team RBI’s, and 22nd in home runs with only 19. Plugging Bonds into the middle of the line-up would generate automatic offense. No pitcher would want to face Alex Rios, Vernon Wells, Scott Rolen, and Barry Bonds in a row. We all know what Bonds can do offensively, so there’s no need to elaborate.

Here’s why the Jays need Barry Bonds, the person. When was the last time this team has done anything exciting, or made any type of splash? Well, besides John Gibbons getting in wrestling matches with his players. While the Yankees and Red Sox provide their fans with exciting moments and aggressive roster moves, the Jays seem to sit still and be satisfied with finishing third in the AL East year after year. Sure, they have a few good players, but Jays fans are screaming for some type of excitement to be brought to the team. The Jays have become quite boring over the last few years, and J.P. Riccardi has done a miserable job as GM, over paying for players, and not making good trades.

The Jays need Bonds to ignite their offense, and Jays fans need him as a reason to be interested again. Sure, Bonds isn’t the best teammate, but no one can question his production. Offensively, the Jays can’t get much worse. By adding Bonds the team would improve in the standings, see enhanced coverage, and increase their attendance. Signing Bonds is one risk that would surely be worth the reward.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Breaking Down The Penguins vs. Rangers Second Round Series

The most appealing series of the NHL’s second round kicks off Friday night when the fifth seeded New York Rangers take on the second seeded Pittsburgh Penguins. The series holds many storylines including: The high powered Pens offense versus one of the leagues top goalies; how will the Pens respond to Sean Avery’s antics; and how will Marc-Andre Fleury perform under the bright lights of a second round series.

The two teams met a total of eight times during the regular season with the Rangers winning five. During those eight games the Rangers outscored the Pens 19-17, and each team had one shutout, so obviously things were pretty close. But we all know that what happens in the regular season doesn’t necessarily translate to the same results during the playoffs.

During the first round against the Senators, the Pens pretty much scored at will, and manhandled the overmatched team from Ottawa. Unfortunately for Pittsburgh, the Rangers are a much different team than Ottawa. They have stability in net, grit, and unquestionable leadership. The Rangers were viewed as a bit of a dark horse to make a run in this years playoffs, but it’s not gonna be easy against the well balanced Penguins.

All four lines on the Pens can score, as can several of their offensive minded defensemen. In their series against Ottawa they only allowed one power play goal, and had only 13 minor penalties. In net Fleury was about as solid as a brick wall. In the four games he allowed seven goals on 112 shots.

As for the Rangers, they had a bit of a harder time than the Pens is round one. It took them five games to send the higher seeded Devils golfing. During those five games the Rangers scored an impressive 20 goals against Martin Brodeur. The Rangers also have something no other team has: Sean Avery. The ‘Super Pest’ rattled Brodeur and the Devils, and had a huge impact on that series. People complain about Avery, but every team would want a player like him. It should be interesting to see what he has up his sleeve for the Pens. It will also be interesting to see if the Pens play into his mind games.

PREDICTION: Penguins in six. It’ll be tough for the Rangers to keep up with the Penguins high scoring attack. Pittsburgh is a very well disciplined team, and Marc Andre Fleury has never looked better. Both teams are capable of going all the way, but the Rangers will have to wait until next year to get another chance.

Other series predictions: Dallas in six, Detroit in six, and my upset special is Philly beating Montreal seven games, and we’ll have an all-Pensylvania Eastern Conference Final.

Enjoy the Second Round!
-Joe Osborne

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reebok Teams Up With Microsoft Zune To Launch New Sneaker

WHO: Legendary basketball and fashion icon, Nuggets player and Reebok athlete Allen Iverson, aka "The Answer"

WHAT: Reebok and Zune have teamed up for the first time to bring you a limited edition Allen Iverson sneaker - the Answer XI Zune.

This partnership between Reebok and Zune brings together two things important to AI in his life - basketball and music.

Reebok has produced 60 pairs of a special version of Iverson's latest Reebok signature shoe - the Answer XI. For this limited-edition collection, the Answer XI has been designed featuring the Zune logo. The sneakers will be sold with a customized Zune 8g black digital media player, featuring etched AI graphics on the back that is loaded with special AI content including his Reebok commercials, playlists and interview footage of other Reebok athletes talking about the first time they played against AI in the league. The sneakers and Zune media player will also come in special packaging.

The Answer XI Zune collection will retail for $300 and be sold only at select boutique shops in five key markets. Each store will receive only 12 collectible packages, so be sure to be the first one in line at your local store!

WHEN: Coming this June 2008

WHERE: Available only at the following 5 stores: Complex/Training Day Store (NYC), Major Commonwealth (DC), Commonwealth (VA), Wish (ATL), The 400 (Denver).

Friday, April 18, 2008

MMA Fight Weekly: UFC 83 Preview

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NBA End Of Season Awards

With the NBA season wrapped up, and the playoffs on the horizon, it's time to give out the end of season awards. Let's get er going!

Most Improved Team: New Orleans Hornets- At the start of the season if you predicted the Hornets would finish second in the West you'd either have to be a delusional Hornets fan or mentally unstable (or maybe a weird combination of the two). The bottom line is that this team came out of no where and improved their tenth place finish last season by 17 wins to finish second in the highly competitive Western Conference. And it's not like they were beating up on chump change teams all year. They have wins against every other Western Conference playoff team including four wins against the Suns, and two each versus the Mavs, Lakers, and Spurs. After a season like this the Hornets are serious Finals contenders.
Honorable Mention- Los Angeles Lakers, Philadelphia 76ers, Portland Trail Blazers

Most Disappointing Team: Chicago Bulls- In the preseason the Bulls were considered by many as a big time contender in the East. Well, let's just say it was a long season for the Bulls. They finished the season with a miserable 33 wins, which is 15 less than last seasons total. After starting the season 2-10, the Bulls just couldn't get it together. It looks like they're back to being the 'Baby Bulls'. If I was a Bulls fan I'd be planning some type of riot due to management not being able to pull the trigger on that Kobe deal last summer.
Honorable Mention- Miami Heat, New Jersey Nets

Most Improved Player: Jose Calderon- The Raptors point man established himself as a premier point guard this season, by averaging a little over eight assists a game and improving his career three point percentage of .368 to .429. As a pass first guard he also averaged 11.2 points while only playing 30 minutes a game due to sharing time with T.J. Ford. Calderon is a future All-Star who should see his production increase even more next season, especially if the Raps decide to dump Ford.
Honorable Mention- Hedo Turkoglu, J.R. Smith, LaMarcus Aldridge

Most Unimproved Player: Darko Milicic- This was supposed to be Darko's breakout season. Wait a minute, last year was, or was it the year before that. Darko proved this year that he will never have a breakout season, and that he's one of the biggest bust in NBA Draft history (I still can't believe that he was picked before Melo, D-Wade, and CB4). Playing for the Grizzlies was supposed to give Darko a chance to shine, but he only managed seven points and six boards a game. He and Kwame Brown sure do make a great front court duo. I hear Sam Bowie may come out of retirement to join them next season, and the Griz are also thinking of signing Michael Olowokandi.
Honorable Mention- Andrea Bargnani, anyone on the Knicks

Rookie of the Year: Kevin Durant- 20 points and 35 minutes per game. No need to elaborate.
Honorable Mention- Al Horford

Coach of the Year: Byron Scott (Hornets)- When a team improves by 17 wins the coach must be doing something right. Playing for the Hornets the last few seasons couldn't have been the most stable situation, but Scott has made things work. He's been able to blend his players into a fantastic system that has seen the overachieving team play better than most of the leagues top contenders.
Honorable Mention- Doc Rivers, Rick Adelman

MVP: Kobe Bryant- There's several players in the running for this seasons MVP, and this year could be the toughest vote ever. When determining an MVP pick, people always say "If you took this guy off the team, they'd be nothing". Well, you could probably say that about 15 different players in the NBA. Kobe is the most skilled player in the league, and plays on the team with the best record in easily the toughest conference. No one really expected the Lakers to make much noise this year, but now they're the West's best team, and that's all because of Kobe. Yes, the Celtics did finish with a better record, but they obviously had a much easier schedule. Kobe's the man. It's that simple.
Honorable Mention- Kevin Garnett, Chris Paul

Enjoy the playoffs!
-Joe Osborne

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Penguins Being Blamed For Global Warming Due to Hot Playoff Start

Three games into the NHL playoffs, and the Pittsburgh Penguins are easily the number one team so far, and they've appeared unstoppable. With the exception of the first period of Monday night's game, The Pens have absolutely dominated the Ottawa Senators. It seems like the Pens are almost toying with the Senators, playing keep-away with the puck, and forcing them into taking stupid penalties.

In their three playoff games the Penguins have outscored the Senators 13-4. During the three game span, the Pens have had 19 power play opportunities along with a total of 127 shots on net. Defensively they're getting in done too. They've only allowed one power play goal while being shorthanded 11 times. And Marc-Andre Fleury has simply been the man in net by posting a shutout and a goals against average of 1.34. He's only allowed four goals on 90 shots, which is pretty damn good.

The Pens did have a few question marks entering the playoffs. They included Sidney Crosby's health, and whether or not Marian Hossa could perform in the playoffs. Well, those questions have been answered. Both Hossa and Crosby have six points so far which ties them with teammate Evgeni Malkin for the playoff league lead. Hossa has been heavily involved in the offense registering 15 shots on net, while Crosby appears to be back to full strength with almost 20 minutes of ice time in each game.

It's been a great team effort so far. No player on the Pens roster has a plus/minus of under -1. Also, of the 19 skaters to have played so far in the series, 15 of them have recorded at least one point so far.

If the Penguins can pull off the sweep of the Sens on Wednesday night, it looks like they'll have a little bit of a lay off before their next series. This can effect teams both negatively and positively, but I can't see a little bit of time off having any negative effect on the dialed-in Pens. If they can continue playing at this pace, the only competition they'll have will be from each other to see who will win the Conn Smythe trophy.
-Joe Osborne

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fantasy Baseball: Waiver Wire Watch

The season is only a few weeks old, but so far there's been a handful of players who's offensive production has been a pleasant surprise. On the other hand, David Ortiz, Ryan Howard, and Miguel Cabrera are all hitting under .200, and Prince Fielder had zero home runs. If your fantasy team is off to a rough start, here's a few players you should consider picking up if they're available.

Mark Reynolds (3B, ARI): The second year player is currently leading the league in home runs with five. He has 27 total bases, and a .306 batting average. He does strikeout a lot, but he's been one of the league's top producers through nine games. Make sure you pick him up ASAP, because he won't be available for long.

Nate McLouth (OF, PIT): McLough was expected to have to compete for an everyday job, but after his hot start I'd say he'll have no problem keeping full time work. Through 9 games, he has seven doubles, two steals, and a .391 batting average. He's currently riding a seven game hit streak, and won't last longer as a free agent in any fantasy league.

Corey Patterson (OF, Cin): Patterson has been a hitting machine so far this year with four homers, four doubles, and eight RBI's. If your outfield is thin, give Patterson a shot. Given his hot start, I'd say he's at least worthy of a spot on any teams bench.

Joe Crede (3B, CWS): Crede's .406 batting average won't last forever, but even if he cools off a little bit, he'll be a great option. He went pretty much unnoticed in drafts this year due to missing most of last season, but so far this season he's been so hot that people are blamming him for global warming.

Jeff Keppinger (SS,3B, CIN): Keppinger is an obvious pick-up for two reasons. He's eligible at more than one position, and he's hitting .342 with 22 total bases in 10 games. With Brandon Phillips and Ken Griffey Jr. hitting behind him he'll see lots of great pitches and have lots of opportunities to score runs.

Although the season is young, chances are you have a scrub or two on your team that you can risk dumping for one of the above mentioned players. If your All-Star players aren't producing yet, don't panic. One mistake fantasy players make too often is dropping proven producers too early in the season because they're off to a slow start. Be patient, but make sure you cover your ass by making smart pick-ups throughout the season. Make sure to check back throughout the season for more fantasy baseball advice.
-Joe Osborne

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mark Cuban: Beyond The Glory

The story behind the best owner in pro sports

Monday, March 31, 2008

UFC Fight Night Preview and Predictions

The 13th instalment of UFC Fight Night is this Wednesday night in Colorado, and airs live and free on Spike TV at 7pm ET. The card is easily the most stacked Fight Night card to date with five star studed match ups on the main card, and several intriguing match ups on the undercard. Although none of the fights have any type of major title ramifications, this jam packed event is full of exciting matches and will definitely be fun to watch. Let's take a look at the main card, and I'll fill you in on who I think will have their hands raised.

Houston Alexander (8-2) vs. James Irvin (13-4-1): For fans who prefer fights that stay on their feet, this ones for you. Houston Alexander rose to stardom following impressive knockouts of Keith Jardine and Alessio Sakara. Alexander also showed that he's vulnerable when things hit the ground, after being taken down and TKO'd by Thiago Silva at UFC 78. Ten of Ivin's thirteen wins have come via some type of knockout. He also prefers to keep things on the feet, and usually puts on an exciting performance. With these two guys in the octagon, I'll be shocked if someone doesn't get their head knocked off.
PREDICTION: Alexander by KO in round 1.

Kurt Pellegrino (11-3) vs. Nate Diaz (8-2): Diaz has been begging the UFC for better competition, and we'll have it Wednesday night. Pellegrino AKA Batman, is a wrestler with great BJJ. He's mainly known for great submissions, but had a impressive knockout win over Alberto Crane in January. Diaz's strengths are also on the ground, but the Ultimate Fighter winner isn't afraid to throw down. Both fighters are trying to reach the next level, and a victory will probably get them there. This fight could end up anywhere and should be an amazing display of MMA.
PREDICTION: Diaz by Split Decision.

Matt Hamill (5-1) vs. Tim Boetsch (7-1): Both fighters have a strong wrestling background and have the potential to compete with the best at 205 lbs. Hamill got the royal screw job at UFC 75 when the judges awarded the victory to Michael Bisping. In that fight, Hamill showed that he had become a very well rounded fighter, as opposed to the one dimensional wrestler he was on The Ultimate Fighter. Boetsch has impressed people with his versatility as a fighter. Four of his wins have been by TKO, while three have been by submission. This guy finishes fights. This fight will come down to who has the most brute strength.
PREDICTION: Hamill by TKO in round 2.

Thiago Alves (18-4) vs. Karo Parysian (25-4): For a guy who brags about how good of a fighter he is, Parysian sure puts on some pretty boring performances. He says he deserves a title shot, but he hasn't been able to finish his last three mediocre opponents. As easy as it is to not like Parysian, you can't deny his talent. In 11 UFC fights he's only lost twice and holds victories over Matt Serra and Nick Diaz. Alves has quietly gone on a four fight win streak, with the last three of those fights being won by TKO. Expect the winner of this fight to get a match against a major contender in the welterweight division.
PREDICTION: Parysian by unanimous decision.

Kenny Florian (9-3) vs. Joe Lauzon (15-3): This should be an explosive main event. Both Massachusetts fighters have the talent to finish fights standing or on the ground, so this fight could end up anywhere. Florian is 7-1 since dropping to 155 lbs, with his only loss coming against Sean Sherk. He has vicious elbow's along with fantastic submissions. Lauzon is on a six fight win streak (excluding his loss on TUF, which was an exhibition fight), and has been training is Hawaii with BJ Penn. Many see the fast and explosive Lauzon as a future champ, and it's hard to argue that. The winner of this fight could very easily find themselves in a number one contenders match.
PREDICTION: Florian by TKO in round 2.

In addition to the big fights on the main card there's also some very interesting matches on the undercard involving Frankie Edgar, Din Thomas, Manny Gamburyan, and the always exciting Clay Guida. The event will put the lightweight division on display as one of the UFC's deepest divisions. Enjoy watching the fights, and make sure to check back soon for my UFC 83 report.
-Joe Osborne

Friday, March 28, 2008

MMA Fight Weekly

Anderson Silva vs. Roy Jones Jr.? Plus Rampage Jackson talks some serious smack.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Top Storylines Heading Into The 2008 MLB Season

Big arms in new places- Santana to the Mets, Bedard to the Mariners, and Haren to the Diamondbacks are just a few high caliber pitchers to change uniforms in the offseason. It will be interesting to see what type of impact these players will have for their new teams. How big of an impact can one player have on a team? Well, if that player happens to be a great pitcher, he can make a difference of about 20 wins. You can never have enough pitching, especially come playoff time.

How good will the Tigers be?- The Tigers surprised everyone this winter by trading a boat load of prospects to Florida for Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis. Cabrera brings a lifetime .313 batting average and four straight 100+ RBI seasons to an already potent offense. Wills had an off year last season but is still capable of winning 20 games. His addition gives the Tigers a great pitching staff. On paper, it looks like the Tigers have the best team in baseball. Only time will tell if they'll live up to the hype.

Who will be this years Cinderella?- No one in their right mind would have predicted the Colorado Rockies to go on that improbable run last season. Let's face it, there's always one or two teams a season that shocks us by achieving beyond anyone's expectations. Just look at what the Oakland A's have done the past ten years. It's pretty much guaranteed that some small market team, with players that no one knows will turn some heads. It's pretty tough to guarantee who that team will be though.

New Brass in the Bronx- Joe Torre is out, Joe Girardi is in. George Steinbrenner is out, Hank Steinbrenner is in. Girardi has already proven he has what it takes to manage in the big leagues when he won the National League Manager of the year in 2006. It will be interesting to see how he handles the ego's in the locker room, and how the players respond to a guy that some of them actually played with and against. As for Hank, he's already done a great job of making his presence felt by running his mouth for the entire winter. It should be fun hearing him blast off like a crazy jackass all season long.

Is Barry Bonds done?- The guy still wants to play, and he still can play. The past two seasons he's hit over .270 with 23 and 28 home runs respectively. Plus he can get on base as he's averaged a .434 on base percentage over the last three seasons. Don't be surprised to see Bonds pull a Roger Clemens and end up debuting somewhere in July. Bonds would make a great DH, it's just a matter if anyone wants to take the enormous baggage that comes with his services.
-Joe Osborne

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Bad Luck Bulls

When the Chicago Bulls drafted Michael Jordan in 1984 they hit the jackpot. On his way to becoming the best player in basketball history, Jordan led the Bulls to six championships as the team became one of the biggest money makers in all of sports. It wouldn't be far fetched to say that the Bulls were the best professional sports team of the 90's, however things have taken a serious nose dive since Jordan's departure from the team.

When Jordan retired for a second time in 1998, the Bulls dynasty was dismantled, and they looked to rebuild the team through youth. After five or so miserable years following the Jordan era, the 'Baby Bulls' seemed like they were on the way back to the top. They had a good nucleus of young players who led the team to three straight playoff appearances from 2005 to 2007. Going into this season, most fans considered them a major force in the East, while some 'experts' even had them making the Finals. Something happened however, and everything once again unraveled on the Chicago Bulls. This season the Bulls have been highly inconsistent. They fired their coach, traded away their most recognizable player, and will be headed to the lottery with a record that currently stands at 15 games under .500.

So what happened? Well, I think it's easy to say that the Bulls management has done a horrible job. They've drafted poorly, have been unable to attract big name free agents, and have been unwilling to pull the trigger on blockbuster trades. Let's take a look back at some of the horrendous mistakes the Bulls have made over the last ten years.

-Here's a list of players the Bulls have picked in the first round since 1999: Elton Brand, Ron Artest, Marcus Fizer, Tyson Chandler, Eddy Curry, Jay Williams, Kirk Hinrich, Ben Gordon, Lamarcus Aldridge, and Joakim Noah.

Not horrible picks, with the exception of Marcus Fizer, but can anyone else see the problem here? Only three out of those ten picks remain in a Bulls uniform. The best of the bunch is Elton Brand who was traded to the Clippers for the second overall pick in the 2001 draft. That pick turned out to be Tyson Chandler who was traded a few year later for P.J. Brown, J.R. Smith and cap space. Brand has gone on to be one of the best big men in the NBA, and Chandler has developed into a great asset for the Hornets, as a tough defender and one of the leagues best rebounders. Artest has had his issues, but the Bulls dumped him before he developed into a ferocious defender who can score from almost anywhere on the court. We can't fault the Bulls for what happened to Jay Williams when he suffered a career ending motorcycle accident, but you can fault them for trading Lamarcus Aldridge for Tyrus Thomas. Aldridge appears to be on his way to a great career. He's shown leadership for a young team and is averaging close to 18 points a game, and seven boards. Meanwhile, Thomas is averaging six points a game, and doing a great job of looking like a stereotypical spoiled athlete.

So, what do the Bulls have to show from ten years of early draft picks? Well, Kirk Hinrich who's proving he doesn't have what is takes to play the point for a good team, Ben Gordon who can't play defense, and may have already plateaued, and Joakim Noah, who's to early to judge, but so far this season he's been benched for acting like a punk.

To add insult to injury here's a list of players that the Bulls passed on in the 2001 NBA draft when they selected Eddy Curry fourth overall: Jason Richardson, Shane Battier, Joe Johnson, Richard Jefferson, Gerald Wallace, and Tony Parker. Ouch!

-So, if you can't get it done in the draft, then there's always free agency, right? Wrong! The summer of 2000 was one of the richest free agent pools ever with the likes of Tim Duncan, Tracy McGrady, Grant Hill, and Eddie Jones up for grabs. The Bulls had targeted each of these players, but were unsuccessful, either because their purse strings were too tight, or because the players just didn't want to play there. So instead of nailing down a franchise player they ended up signing Brad Miller and Ron Mercer. The Bulls decided to stay away from any major free agents the next few years while their young talent developed. It took a few more years for the Bulls to make any type of 'splash' in the free agent market, until they signed four time defensive player of the year Ben Wallace to a four year, $60 million dollar contract. The Bulls were criticized for paying this much money to a guy who is offensively challenged. The critics were right. Wallace was a flop, as his skills disappeared, he quarrelled with the coach over a headband, and was traded in February.

-With all their young talent, and early draft picks the Bulls have constantly come up in trade rumours. For years, they were the likely destination for the likes of Kevin Garnett, Pau Gasol, and Jermaine O'Neil. The teams went back and fourth with trade packages, but the Bulls were unwilling to deal. This summer, it was all but assured Kobe Bryant was on his way to the windy city, but once again, the Bulls couldn't get it done. Blockbuster trades became a trend in the NBA this season, and the Bulls were no where close to obtaining a game changing player. It appears that the Bulls won't have a chance to deal for a franchise player anytime soon, as their young talent hasn't turned out to be as talented as they'd hope.

What else is there left for these Bulls to do? The draft hasn't worked, they couldn't nail down any stud free agents, and they've been too scared to pull the trigger on a major deal. Sure, they've been dealt their fair share of bad luck, but management has done a pathetic job building this once great team. They should start by firing their GM John Paxson. Sitting back and waiting for young talent to develop has grown old in Chicago. It's not working, and it's time to try something new. And if all else fails, I hear Scottie Pippen is looking for work.
-Joe Osborne

Friday, March 21, 2008

UFC 84 Promo

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eugene Levy To Play In Preseason Game For The Houston Texans

Last week actor Billy Crystal had the honor of suiting up for The New York Yankees in a Spring Training baseball game. Crystal's appearance in pin stripes seems to be setting a trend in Hollywood, as it was announced this morning that actor Eugene Levy will see some on-field action in a preseason game for the NFL's Houston Texans.

Levy, who is best known for his roles in the 'American Pie' films and Canada's 'SCTV', claims to be the world's biggest Houston Texans fan. "I've been a huge Texans fan since they entered the league in 2002. I never miss a game, and even had a chance to see them play live in Kansas City two years ago. I'm their biggest supporter," said an excited Levy, who was wearing an autographed David Carr Texans Jersey.

It's still unclear what role Levy will play in the Texans first preseason game. "Ya know, I haven't really seen Eugene in action yet, but from early discussions with him we might decide to use him in a blocking role, such as a full back or tight end," said Texans Coach Gary Kubiak. Kubiak also went on to say that this isn't just a publicity stunt to raise the teams profile. "Eugene will see some serious playing time. We plan on using his at key times early in the game, and he won't be taken out until he gets injured, or if he decides to quit."

"This is like a dream come true," said Levy, who grew up being a fan of the CFL's Edmonton Eskimos. "I've already begun training. I'm doing twenty minutes a day on my elliptical trainer, plus I picked up some 'Hip-Hop Abs' DVD's. Levy is also changing his diet as he hopes to be in the best shape of his life come game time. "I switched from whole milk to soy milk," said Levy, who had a visible milk mustache.

Levy playing in an NFL game is a huge risk, not just for Levy, but also for the NFL. Due to the risk involved, Levy needed to sign a waiver stating that if he suffers a major injury, becomes paralyzed, or if he somehow dies, his family will not be able to sue the Texans, or the NFL.

Levy will attend some of the Texans off-season workouts, as he eagerly anticipates the release of the NFL's preseason schedule. He also announced he will be hosting a screening of his 2004 film 'New York Minute' for his new teammates. The film stars himself and the Olsen Twins, who play twins with opposing personalities who have a series of misadventures around the city of New York.
-Joe Osborne

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chris Bosh on CBC's 'The Hour'

Great interview with the NBA's most under-exposed player.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Winning Fantasy Baseball Advice

The baseball season is a few short weeks away, and fantasy baseball drafts are in full swing. Baseball fans everywhere are hooking up on the web, and in living rooms trying to put together the best possible fantasy roster. Is there a specific formula for winning in fantasy baseball? Not necessarily, but if you follow these tips, you'll be sure to be at the top of your league.

1. Do your homework- This may sound obvious, but there's more to do than seeing who had the most fantasy points last year. Check out reports on each team to see who's hitting where in the lineup. See who's pitching where in the rotation. A player who hits third in a lineup will be able to take advantage of much more opportunities, while someone hitting fifth will have less. Little things like this can make a huge difference in the fantasy world. If you're doing your draft online it's smart to do some research into specific leagues before you actually join one. See how the playoff format works, as well as what stats count towards fantasy points. Believe it or not, some leagues don't count stolen bases while some don't count walks. I'm not saying to study the draft like it's a medical exam, but a little planning will go a long way.

2. Target contract year players- A contract year player is a player who is in the last year of his contact. In other words, he'll be trying to have the best season of his career so he can make a ridiculous amount of money. If you have to choose between a few players, and one happens to be in his contract year, pick him. It's a no brainer. Last season Alex Rodriguez, Torri Hunter, Aaron Rowand, and Mike Lowell all had career years, and yes, they were in their contract years. Here a list of players who are worth mentioning that will be playing for a new contract: Bobby Abreu, Adam Dunn, Joe Nathan, Manny Ramirez, Francisco Rodriguez, C.C. Sabathia, Ben Sheets, Mark Teixeira, Milton Bradley, Pat Burrell, A.J. Burnett, Rafael Furcal, Jon Garland, Kenji Johjima, Derek Lowe, and Oliver Perez. These guys will all be playing for a big payday, and nothing can motivate a pro athlete like the almighty dollar.

3. Don't play favorites- The downfall of so many fantasy teams is that the owner is too biased towards their favorite team and players. This can especially hurt your team in the early rounds. Don't make risky picks in the early rounds just to get players you like. If one of your favorites is available and it doesn't seem like such a reach, then go for it, but if you know there's better players still around then steer clear. Also remember to not neglect players that you don't like. Just because you're a Red Sox fan doesn't mean you shouldn't pick Yankees players. In the late rounds it's a little safer to pick favorites, but avoid playing favorites in the first ten rounds.

4. Watch out for fallen stars- Make sure to keep an eye out for elite players who had sub par or injury plagued seasons last year. The majority of these players will drop to the mid to late rounds, and could turn out to be major producers for your team. Here's a list of players who had off seasons last year, who could bounce back to All-Star status: Vernon Wells, Barry Zito, Jermaine Dye, Julio Lugo, Dontrelle Willis, Andrew Jones, J.D. Drew, Roy Halladay, Pedro Matinez, and Jason Bay. There's no guarantee that these guys will get back to the top of their games, or in some of their cases stay off the DL, but they're easily worth the risk.

5. Try to get your catcher and second baseman early- Positions like first base and outfield are absolutely stacked with lots of solid options that will be available to you throughout the draft. Shortstop and third base don't have quite as much options, but there's still plenty of talent to go around. The same can't be said of the catcher and second base positions. Both C and 2B only have a few good players who will be solid producers for your team. Try to get a top four or five player at both of these positions, or you will be screwed. Not securing a top player at these positions means they will be your weakest link throughout the season. Obtaining a top catcher or second baseman will also give you a big edge on half of the teams in your league.

As a final note, I think it's obvious that Alex Rodriguez should be the top pick in any draft. He was the top player last year, he's in the prime of his career, and he hits in the middle of a very dangerous line up. After A-Rod, things get very debatable, but I'd go with Miguel Cabrera of the Tigers. Cabrera has been a top fantasy producer since he's been in the league, and now he's surrounded by some great hitters in Detroit.

Most importantly, don't forget that fantasy baseball is all about having fun. Try to find a league with players who are at the same competition level that you are and have a blast. I hope the above advice will help you get the edge in your league. Good luck in your drafts, and have a great fantasy baseball season!
-Joe Osborne